Writing Is… (Poem)

Writing helps me
chronicle my healing,
but writing, in itself,
is not healing.
It’s a testimony,
a ticket to bear witness,
a praise and worship service
reminding me of God’s presence
because, ”If He did that for her, maybe he could do it for—”
Writing is church
and rebirth
and the cold floor
of a dark room with a sliver of light
peeking in from underneath the door.
It gets me closer to the answer of,
”What is all this shit for?”
So I tithe words because 10% of this
does not have to stay with me,
in fact, it can’t—-
the 90% I keep is quite a heavy heap!
Through writing,
I can let some stories free,
a donation of vulnerability,
a sown seed,
a window to me.
And what life can be.


At 35, I Learned that I’m Beautiful


Last Night, Some Feedback Saved My Life