#napowrimo Day 3 - “Entry Level”

Day 3 of National Poetry Month.

I spent all day writing for my freelance project and wasn’t in the space to attempt today’s prompt. I decided to let my mind wander and just go with the flow. Below is what I came up with. 

DISCLAIMER: This poem is not about my current job, which thankfully, I love. ☺️


By Farah Lawal Harris

i can stare at a computer screen 

for as long as you pay me. 

pay me biweekly, incrementally. 

mentally, i’m on another galaxy, 

checked out of my body 

but out of sick leave. 

i can’t believe 

i needed a degree to make entry.

can barely afford to chief.

scrounge up to afford beach.

rude email, suck teeth.

10:30, steeped 

herbal tea leaves to relieve 

the stress of having to achieve.

Yelp what bar we’ll meet.

too bad can’t drink rail neat,

so Long Island iced tea

for hour, look happy.

long lunch. come back, lock screen. 

reset password immediately.

IT can’t stand me.

oh, no. boss sees me.

look busy.

break! retweet.

i used to dream

bathroom selfie.

post story.

this bores me.



#napowrimo Day 4 - “How to Grow a Poem”


#napowrimo Day 2 - “Kiddle Me”