Goodbye, Winter.

I leave you with love.

Though your cold cut

through my bones,

your wind whipping

through my coat,

and colonizing my cells.

But surprisingly,

you made me well.

You saw in Autumn,

how I shone brighter than

raspberry red maple leaves in sunlight.

Overworked foliage died and fell, forming

unraked piles of unfinished business,

body full of tension,

quickly gaining and afraid of attention.

Farewell, Winter.

I leave you with gratitude.

Thank you for the proof of God's love.

Thank you for redefining joy from

coins in a purse to an unlimited resource.

I now embrace my light:

flickering lantern shining bright at midnight,

flourescent soul that glows in sunlight.

I welcome Spring

with heart wide open.

Farah Lawal Harris

Well-dressed poet, theatre artist, and breast cancer survivor.

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